Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Fun kids

A couple weeks ago, my sister and her two little kids (7 and almost 3) came over to spend the day.
I think they are both cute kids, but the 3 year old is at that stage where she says and does the cutest things.

The first thing she did when she came over and saw my dog, Anna, in the house, was let out a full throated, high-pitched scream. It was so funny. I wanted to laugh, but instead I told her it was ok, that Anna wouldn't hurt her. She didn't like it any time Anna got close to her. She would shimmy away, hide under the overhanging counter top, etc. But by the time the day was over, my niece was thrilled to be able to say that she "petted" (touched with one finer) Anna.

She just got potty trained, and so can go potty on her own now. One time I asked her if she needed to go, and she said yes, so she headed upstairs, but the lights were all off. So she came back down and said "It's darkery up there". So I told her to turn on the "lightery". She went back up, but came back down and told me again "it's darkery". I asked her mom where she got that from, and she just shrugged.

We sat down to eat some lunch, and she just had to sit by me, and then said, "Chel, you're my sweet heart." Awe.

Another time, we were swimming at our neighbors pool. She can't swim yet, but feels comfortable in the water, so with just a little floating water tube-thingy, she does ok. And then I guess she feels like she can stay afloat on her own, so she says "I don't need that". And so we humor her, and take her float away, only to have her promptly sink. We catch her and pull her back up, and first she looks shocked, then just smiles. We give her her float back, she hangs out on that for a while, then again states, "I don't need that." And again, sinks when we take it away. She's very determined, I guess.

I think my niece is so cute and funny. And I think its even cuter that I'm her "sweet heart" and when the lights are off, it's "darkery".



Jolynn said...

I love that age. Actually anywhere from 1.5 to 4 is good. They are just learning so much and it always comes out silly.

Bobby Griffin said...

Hey there,

I'd like to take this time and congratulation you on your awesome blog and inform you that you are in the running for Bestest Blog of the Year. You are up against 104 other excellent blogs that have all qualified by being "Bestest Blog of the Day" in the past 12 months. Voting starts TODAY (July 23rd) and will end in 2 weeks (August 6th). Winners will be announced on August 7th!

The winner will be receiving (at least) a $50 prize and a ton of new visitors I'm sure. Other blogs that finish in the top 10 will also be getting a few new links and extra exposure. Full details of the contest can be found here. So what can you do to increase your chances of winning?

1. Go vote for yourself (duh!)
2. Encourage others to vote for you. Here is the URL: http://www.blankestblank.com/bestest/blog-of-the-year/. You can also find a nifty little graphic to include on your blog here.
3. Encourage others to register before voting. Registered users votes count 3 times more than guests.
4. Keep up the great blogging that got you here in the first place. People are going to be stopping by your blog before voting, and if you have some great, new content, that'll surely increase your vote.

Again, congratulations and good luck! And if you're interested in winning another "blog of the day" award and get in the running for next year's award, check out the new "Blankest Blank Blog Directory." Questions? Please feel free to email me or drop by the forum.

Bobby Griffin said...

Hi again,

Just thought I'd stop by and update you on the voting for bestest blog of the year. We've had over 8000 votes cast by over 100 different voters in just under a week. A contest update can be found at the new and improved brand new home of Bestest Blog!!, original details can be found here. With a week to go still, that $50 prize, title, and bragging rights is still up for grabs. Also, be sure to get in the running to be blog of the day again this year by joining the Blankest Blank Blog Directory. Thanks for reading and please stop by and leave a comment at the new Bestest Blog some time!


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