Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Look how long it's been! I never thought I'd let "The Dumb Blog" lapse like this! But what a stressful time this has been for me. Let me just say - I have missed you all. Really.

I have been spending a lot of time at my practicum, trying to get up to my required 400 hours. I'm up to 120, I think. I also am working on my final "Senior Capstone" paper. It's up to 87 pages. I have two main parts left to do. By the time I get home from either practicum or work, though, I just don't have the energy to write a proper paper. It's weighing on my mind. I also have two other major papers due, and two presentations. But ... with 1 month, 3 weeks, 1 day left till graduation ... I can do it. I keep telling myself that. Or at least try to. I can do anything for that long, right? Even stay high strung!?

X has been treating AJ a little less nicely than I would myself. It's been hard. X pressed charges against AJ for putting 5 holes in the door of his closet. They are this size:

Seriously. I know you think I'm kidding here. Pressing charges against a 13-year old for making 5 holes smaller than a dime in his closet door. No kidding, though. So I suggested that X let AJ move here this month, for the rest of the school year and next. He actually thought it was a good idea ... just needs to ask his wife now. I was hopeful for a second, until he said that. I'm trying to maintain hope, regardless of history.

X also told the kids he may move to another state. They have all decided to move with me for the next school year. I can't tell you how happy that makes me! Not that he's moving (really!) but that they're going to live with me. Nothing makes me happier than my kids, I tell ya. But this makes me kind of busy getting kids registered for school, worrying about AJ, arranging things ... It's all worth it to me, tho.

My Social Work project is over. We collected about 130 coats. Fewer than 15 of the other items, but we wanted more coats anyway. I think it's amazing what we got!

I accidentally spent most of my summer tuition money. Chel doesn't know that. Well, I guess she does now. I totally couldn't figure out how I had extra money in my account. I put it there, of course, from my taxes so I could pay for my summer class. The last one required to truly have my degree. So I spent it on our little get away. I have faith, though, that somehow I'll come up with it before tuition time. I can hope. Right?? Money ... another major stressor.

So that's a recap. Hope you all understand why I've been absent. I will likely be intermittent for the next ... 1 month, 3 weeks, and 1 day.

I better go pick up Chel off the floor now.



Unknown said...

I didn't know you could press charges against a 13 yo, especially if you're the guardian. Even if he had done something horrible. As spokesperson for the Internet, we have your back. Best of luck!

Kara said...

I can't believe he's pressing charges for that, that's insane! Ugh. How cool that your kids can come live with you :D

Unknown said...

Your life sounds complicated right now. Hope things even out soon. Congrats on the 130 coats.

Unknown said...
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Erika Jean said...

thats a ton of coats. ummm I still have this box here all packaged and ready to go- I ran out of time to send it I got pretty busy myself!
:-/ are you/they doing this next year???


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