Monday, October 23, 2006

The Name

I thought I'd explain the name of our blog ... it is a bit odd. It started several weeks ago as Chelle and I were sitting down to start a blog. We were trying to think of a name; I was blank. Chelle thought of something, and typed it in. I didn't like it that much, and so I said, "that's pretty dumb." So Chelle errased it, and typed the title as you see it now. As we continued to set the blog up, nothing new or more exciting came to us, so here it remains. Plus I thought the whole idea of this blog was kind of dumb...I've repented of that attitude, but I still like the name.

If you have any new ideas of a name for our blog, let us know. Or if you like it the way it is, let us know that too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

writing comes easy to some. Others have to work at it. I'm not talking about great works here, just getting your thoughts into order enough to get them on paper as it were. I like your blog so far.


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